If I perish, I perish

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Have you ever endured the horror of driving off with something on top of your car? Thursday, I drove off from work, merging onto the highway. As I was leaving, our regular UPS driver, Tristan, was pulling in, and he honked at me. I thought it was a greeting.

But no.

30 feet down the highway, I hear a “whoosh” and look in the rear-view mirror, only to see my red purse tumbling under cars, papers flying, and things-a-scattering. I am horrified and terrified at the same time. I pull over to think, and decided to do a loop and drive back to my purse. I can only think, “IDIOT. My mp3 player. Idiot. My license. IDIOT. My credit cards. IDIOT.” And then I think, “how am I going to stop traffic on this busy highway?” “I am going to look like such a dork!” (pride always seems to make an appearance, huh?)

So, as I’m doing the “U” around the massive median, I look over to where my purse is, only to see cars slowing and trying to get around the purse. But also, Tristan, our UPS regular delivery guy is in the highway, stopping traffic, holding my red purse, collecting as much of my stuff as possible. He waves as I drive off to make the next “U” turn, and I don’t know the last time I have been that thankful! I pull up behind him, and he hands over the purse, reminding me about all the stuff I had in it, “you had a camera in there! And there’s a toothbrush over there, and…” He rescued the camera (still works), the mp3 player (I think it actually got run over, but the store exchanged it with no questions asked), my wallet – virtually everything (credit cards and license included)! (I let the toothbrush go.) I did lose a bottle of meds, but thought, “ah, I don’t need to comb the highway for that. it was my backup meds. No problem.”

However, 2 days later and I can’t find my glasses. So, my friend (THANK YOU, Super!) and I drive out to comb the highway for them. Nothing. All I found was a piece of the broken case and the toothbrush. Alas. For the record, I still didn’t pick up the toothbrush.

I am still saying things like, “idiot” to myself over it (as I pick up a new glasses prescription), and I check for my purse when I’m in the car, like, 8-10 times. Sad, huh? :)


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